It's raining here. We are in our rainy season. But personally, I don't think we'll be seeing many hurricanes this September. Just a gut instinct. You can prove me wrong if you want to! Just write a comment if I'm wrong.
Anyway, it's drizzling outside, doesn't mean I can't go in the hot tub, because the hot tub has a roof. But right now, I'd rather stay in here and talk to you! We had our Board of Directors meeting this morning. They are really amazing people. They cover every little nook and cranny of the place, they dot all their i's and cross all their t's and I'm really proud of them. I just wish they wouldn't charge so much for maintenance fees, assessments, and now mandatory membership in our resort club! Yeeoow.
I think I'll have to move! I can't afford this!
And, they put me on the committee for a Condo Assn Manager search, otherwise known as a CAM search. Well, we had to let our current guy go, he was on probation, and he kept talking to the women as if it were 1950. I mean not exactly up to date on "women are equal?" you know?
It's Saturday and I'm feeling really perky! Wish I had a date. He would NOT be sorry! ha ha
I hope you have a nice weekend. I'll be in here cleaning. But don't forget about me, and send me a comment if you're in the mood.
I love to connect with people.
Love ya, Jiva