Bea Arthur and Zero Mostel Rooftop Theater 1958
Bea Arthur (born Bernice Frankel) was born on May 13, 1922 in New York City
creating reality through visualization
Bea Arthur (born Bernice Frankel) was born on May 13, 1922 in New York City
I saw Eartha Kitt in New Faces of 1952 in Chicago... she sang that fabulous
song "Monotonous" in a style that was unique and so sexy. I have been a fan
of hers ever since.
Earthy Eartha, The Diva
There never has been and never will be anyone like her.
Eartha at The Churchill Club 1951
Eartha in Anna Lucasta
Eartha with her daughter Kitt
Eartha with Julius LaRosa and Ed Sullivan
Eartha with Nat King Cole
Eartha with Kristin Chenoweth 2004
Eartha with daughter Kitt McDonald Shapiro
Eartha sings "I'm Still Here" from FOLLIES
She may be gone, but she will live on in our memories...
Here is a website for her fans from her daughter Kitt:
Eartha Kitt The Official Site
Patricia Morrison looking good at 94
Patricia Morrison in 1939
King Yul Brynner a legend
I don't know why, but this clip always gives me goosebumps!
I like to watch them both at the same time.