How do you praise a woman like Ms. Andrews... How do you tell the story of a star...
She is a National Treasure at 73 years of age, both here and in Great Britain. God Bless Her, her voice was taken from her, but I hear it may come back! Wouldn't that be loverly. Keep the faith baby.
I have been following Brad Pitt's life ever since he romanced Juliette Lewis way back in 1990, almost twenty years ago. Juliette had caught my attention by emancipating herself at the age of 14, so she could work longer hours at the studios. That was my introduction to Brad. I once had a standee of Brad, six feet high, in my bedroom from Legends of The Fall. Waking up every morning with Brad watching me was no unpleasant task, I assure you! Legends of The Fall is a dynamite film, no doubt about it, but my favorite is Meet Joe Black, and I don't even know why, it simply captures my attention from beginning to end, and I can watch it over and over and never tire of it. Troy was great, an epic film, and of course the sex scene in Thelma and Louise is classic! Wow.
Now Brad is in his prime, his relationship with Angelina seems to be the joy of his life. Their children bring laughter and surprises every day, filling their moments with happiness and love. I believe they must be Capitalists at heart, because they are both Ayn Rand fans, and Angelina has been signed to star in the film epic, Atlas Shrugged, which is presently languishing as it moves from one studio to another... but Lions Gate has it now, so maybe, 2010? Angelina will play the lead role of Dagny Taggert, heroine of the novel. The theme of the story is "The Mind on Strike," 1200 pages of suspense and action, yet loaded with philosophical insights that startled the intellectual community when it was first published way back in 1957. Ayn's novel The Fountainhead is probably my favorite book, and her film version with Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal is a classic Ayn Rand presentation. (See previous blog for more info and film clip).
Well, I just watched Legends of the Fall last night, I completely forgot how great it is, how much I love it, how fabulous is the plot, the characters, Anthony Hopkins is superb, Brad is unbelievably sexy, god almighty, that strength of character combined with his vulnerability, blended with his fierce tenacious penetrating eyes that tell you everything! MMMmmmm I LOVE BRAD !!! And Julia Ormond and Karina Lombard are delicious. What a romantic film. Makes me sorry I sold that standee. (I actually had a boyfriend who was jealous of dear Brad). I'm always doing that... changing everything for some guy. Guys, ya gotta luv 'em.
It's Fall in California, the season of The Flames...
Seems to be an Annual Event now, every year... I lived there in 1978, which was another big fire season... I stood on top of the Santa Monica Mountains and watched the flames roll up the hills, two hundred feet high, washing over the houses like surf, the people scurrying away like little ants, running, looking over their shoulders, hoping to outrun the fire, which they usually did. A girl at the Pacific Palisades Bank told me that in the middle of the night, there was a pounding on her door, and someone shouting "Get out! Get out!" and they ran down the street, all of them, on bicycles, dogs, people in sleepwear, even a horse. She looked back and saw the wall of flame coming right behind them. Miracles. No one was hurt. Stories from Los Angeles.
Space shuttle Endeavour's STS-126 mission began Nov. 14, 2008 with an on-time liftoff at 7:55 p.m. EST.
I live in Land O'Lakes, Florida, and this is the second time I've been able to see the shuttle when it launched. There is something so exciting about watching the shuttle fly through the sky when you are not looking at it on TV, but seeing it with your own eyes. Certainly makes a commentary of personal experience rather than simulated visualization. There were a group of us, waiting with our cocktails, standing outside in the warm night air, waiting, waiting, and then, there it was, this huge red glow and everyone shouted, "Look, look, there it is!" It flew through the sky, climbing right toward the full moon that brilliantly lit up the sky. When it reached the area where the moon was gleaming, it disappeared into the light.
There is something within the hearts of human beings that makes them so proud, so excited, so amazed at their own abilities and accomplishments. How is it possible that we, meager humans that we are, could have possibly lit up the night sky with this red glow of flames bursting into the darkness, setting aglow all the hopes and dreams of our hearts.
Ayn on the roof of her apartment building, with RKO behind her, where she worked
Ayn with her husband, Frank O'Connor, in New York City
Photo of King Vidor, Ayn Rand and Gary Cooper commiserating on the set of THE FOUNTAINHEAD, starring Cooper and Patricia Neal, based on Rand's best selling novel published in 1943.
Every book by Ayn Rand published in her lifetime is still in print, and hundreds of thousands of copies are sold each year, so far totaling more than 25 million. Several new volumes have been published posthumously. Her vision of man and her philosophy for living on earth have changed the lives of thousands of readers and launched a philosophic movement with a growing impact on American culture.
Here is a list of her published works:
We the Living (1936) Anthem (1938) The Fountainhead (1943) Atlas Shrugged (1957)
Night of January 16th - A Play Originally titled "Penthouse Legend" (originally produced in 1936, published in 1968)
For the New Intellectual (1961) The Virtue of Selfishness (1964) Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966) The Romantic Manifesto (1969) The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution (1971) Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology (1979)
The following were published posthumously:
Philosophy: Who Needs It, edited by Leonard Peikoff (1982) The Voice of Reason, edited by Leonard Peikoff (1989) The Ayn Rand Column, edited by Peter Schwartz (1991) Letters of Ayn Rand, edited by Michael S. Berliner (1995) Ayn Rand's Marginalia, edited by Robert Mayhew (1995) Journals of Ayn Rand, edited by David Harriman (1997) The Ayn Rand Reader, edited by Gary Hull and Leonard Peikoff (1999) Return of the Primitive, edited by Peter Schwartz (1999) Russian Writings on Hollywood, edited by Michael S. Berliner, translated by Dina Garmong (1999) The Art of Fiction, edited by Tore Boeckmann (2000) The Art of Nonfiction, edited by Robert Mayhew (2001) The Ayn Rand Sampler (2002) Ayn Rand Answers, edited by Robert Mayhew (2005)
FromThe Women on The Web, we have this great photo of Lauren Bacall at 84. Doesn't she look great?! You have to love her, she is witty, wise, and gorgeous.
The fellow who posted the above video, thought that Bacall's lines from the film To Have and Have Not, should be used by women everywhere as the way to get a man. But that's not why I posted it. His selection of her lines is right on the money, for simply reminding ourselves of just how great she was at twenty years of age.
She met Bogie in that film, married him, and they lived together until his death in 1957. Known to her friends as Betty, she has endured throughout the decades as one of our most talented entertainers.
Falling in love seems to be my main occupation, although it's not listed on the Blogger selections. Still dancing through life... one leap and turn at a time.