Ayn with her two sisters in Russia

Ayn on the roof of her apartment building, with RKO behind her, where she worked

Ayn with her husband, Frank O'Connor, in New York City

Photo of King Vidor, Ayn Rand and Gary Cooper commiserating on the set of THE FOUNTAINHEAD, starring Cooper and Patricia Neal, based on Rand's best selling novel published in 1943.
Every book by Ayn Rand published in her lifetime is still in print, and hundreds of thousands of copies are sold each year, so far totaling more than 25 million. Several new volumes have been published posthumously. Her vision of man and her philosophy for living on earth have changed the lives of thousands of readers and launched a philosophic movement with a growing impact on American culture.
Here is a list of her published works:
We the Living (1936)
Anthem (1938)
The Fountainhead (1943)
Atlas Shrugged (1957)
Night of January 16th - A Play
Originally titled "Penthouse Legend"
(originally produced in 1936, published in 1968)
For the New Intellectual (1961)
The Virtue of Selfishness (1964)
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal (1966)
The Romantic Manifesto (1969)
The New Left: The Anti-Industrial Revolution (1971)
Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology (1979)
The following were published posthumously:
Philosophy: Who Needs It, edited by Leonard Peikoff (1982)
The Voice of Reason, edited by Leonard Peikoff (1989)
The Ayn Rand Column, edited by Peter Schwartz (1991)
Letters of Ayn Rand, edited by Michael S. Berliner (1995)
Ayn Rand's Marginalia, edited by Robert Mayhew (1995)
Journals of Ayn Rand, edited by David Harriman (1997)
The Ayn Rand Reader, edited by Gary Hull and Leonard Peikoff (1999)
Return of the Primitive, edited by Peter Schwartz (1999)
Russian Writings on Hollywood, edited by Michael S. Berliner, translated by Dina Garmong (1999)
The Art of Fiction, edited by Tore Boeckmann (2000)
The Art of Nonfiction, edited by Robert Mayhew (2001)
The Ayn Rand Sampler (2002)
Ayn Rand Answers, edited by Robert Mayhew (2005)
Scenes from The Fountainhead