Fire Season in L.A. 2009

Water drop near Palos Verdes Estates

Smoke hovers over downtown Los Angeles

Big Tujunga, LaCanada, Flintridge

Fast moving brushfire Palos Verdes

Fire above ~ hoping it doesn't drop down...

Firefighters ~ amazing guys

Santa Barbara

Santa Cruz County

Evacuating the horses...

Wearing protective inhalation mask... hey, what about the doggies?

Viewing the fires in Rancho Palos Verdes...
It's become an annual event, the Southern California fires...
They are catastrophic, and yet, the serene, centered Californians
always seem to manage to take them in stride. Just another event
in their lives, like earthquakes and mudslides. They have the best
weather in the universe I think, so what's a few catastrophe's?