Here is Billy in March, 2010, lookin' good! That's Sophia on the right.
Thought I'd write an update on Billy DeGuido, the man who doctors believed would never come out of his coma last year.
If you're interested in learning how he's doing, follow this link:
He is blind because his brain is not receiving the messages from his eyes, but the other day, when someone took a photo with a flash,
he asked if someone had taken a picture, meaning the flash registered somewhere in his brain.
Donations came in to fund a hyperbaric chamber for Billy which he uses every day now.
Sophia has taken care of him all this time, and a greater love I can't imagine.
God bless Sophia, and Steve, and Jeremy and everyone who has helped Billy since
his tragic massive heart attack a year ago. Silent Unity is praying for him, and
I know his sight will return. God bless.