So there I was, cruising the TV channels with my remote, slid past CNN and this dark haired woman blasting the airways about the bailouts. I stopped, went back and listened to her. Well, I thought, it's about time SOMEONE starts blasting off about this complete waste of money and the scandal of no oversight. The absolute abuse of power by men in positions of power. The demand for ten to thirty million dollar bonuses by company CEO's who had run their companies into the ground, and ALL at the taxpayer's expense, these bailouts. What's this gal's name? I'm thinking, she sure doesn't pull any punches. Not like the guy anchors who pussy foot around this financial mess being very polite. No time for politeness any more. I found out her name is
Jane Velez-Mitchell, and she's been around for quite awhile. She was broacasting in Los Angeles for a long time. She currently has her own show on Headline News, Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell, (replacing Glenn Beck who moved to Fox News Channel). Seven o'clock Eastern Time on weeknights. I'm telling you this so you can tune in and hope to catch her. She is dynamite.

AND she also wrote the above book, which looks very interesting to me. I'm going to get myself a copy and read it. AND she also did a documentary on her mother, Anita Velez, a Puerto Rican former circus and vaudeville performer, now in her eighties, and that documentary won many awards. Here is 30 minutes, I think it's the entire documentary, and it is sooooo revealing! Turns out Jane's dad died before she felt she really got to know him, his history, his past, that is. So she didn't want that to happen with her mom. That's why she made the documentary. I leave it to you.