National Debt Clock runs out of digits The figure above is not accurate, it's increasing by over three billion dollars a day, and the above clock isn't running. To see the actual figure, either click on the link in this paragraph, or scroll down the right side of my blog to see an updated clock.
NEW YORK (AP) — In a sign of the times, the National Debt Clock in New York City has run out of digits to record the growing figure. As a short-term fix, the digital dollar sign on the billboard-style clock near Times Square has been switched to a figure — the “1” in $10 trillion. It’s marking the federal government’s current debt at about $10.2 trillion. The Durst Organization says it plans to update the sign next year by adding two digits. That will make it capable of tracking debt up to a quadrillion dollars.
Looks like that Paulson guy wants to nationalize our banks. The Secretary of our treasury, former CEO of Goldman Sachs, wants the government to own the banks. Since we are the government, that means we will own the banks. That means that we will all own each others' money. Isn't that cute?
What a thrill to have my money mingle with the money of people who love to go into debt way beyond their means. But then, you will all be able to share in my debt! To me, this sounds like Socialism at its finest, bordering on Communism. Hey, what do I know? Capitalism, the best economic system ever known to man, the system that made this country wealthy and strong, is apparently on its way out. I do wish people would study history, then they would realize what a truly serious mess we are in. It is the beginning of globalization, the end of our freedoms as we know them. If you don't believe me, check back in about five years. If you still can afford to have a computer.