Below is the latest photo of Billy.
Even though his eyes are in good condition,
the signal from his eyes is not getting through
to his brain. Therefore Billy cannot see.
The doctors don't know if his sight will return.
It's a wait and see issue. Pray for Billy, or if
you don't pray, send good thoughts his way.
You can check out his website below by
clicking on his name.
Billy is going home on Monday, June 29.
How he will do there, remains to be seen.
Thanks again to everyone who helped out.
An outpouring of money from everywhere mailed
in to the address on his website, and from
the poker tournament, and from a volleyball
tournament, will total almost ten thousand dollars,
as soon as all the bracelets are sold.
God is Great, or if you prefer, The Universe is With Us.

I want to thank all the people who wrote to Billy and checked out his web site.
He is doing so much better, as you will see if you click on the Billy DeGuido link.
Miracles happen every day, and Billy is one of them.
You can see the infectious spirit of Billy...
I love Miracles, don't you? Every now and again, I'm privileged to see a real one.
My friend, Billy DeGuido, a man of 53 years, was struck down by a massive heart attack in April. His brain was without oxygen for about ten minutes. The doctors held little chance for Billy's recovery.
Now, you'd have to know Billy to understand what happened next. At the hospital,
he became somewhat of a celebrity, as friends by the dozens poured into the
hospital to see how Billy was doing. He was in Cardiac Intensive Care,
so visits being very limited, the friends hung out in the waiting room.
Every day. Then, the doctors decided to let Billy's friends into his
Intensive Care Room, in hopes that their voices would wake him up.
Billy was known for his sports participation. He played baseball, he played
water volleyball, he played tennis. He was in on everything.
There was this:
No insurance.
I guess this is a commentary on the American Spirit, and what happens
when there is no coverage.
I decided to call Silent Unity, about two days into Billy's stay, when he was in a coma. Silent Unity is this organization in Missouri, where if you call, they pray for you or your friends for 30 days. It's powerful, intensive stuff. The next day, Billy responded a bit. ! What? Yes, he responded a bit. I'm going to give you the link to Billy's web page, so you can see for yourself, the Miracle that Billy is.
When you look at that page, you will see the enthusiasm, the hope, and the good wishes of everyone for our dear Billy.
Nurses from the original CCU visited Billy to see how the "Miracle Man" was doing. In the first few days in CCU some of the staff originally thought Billy had very little chance of making it, now the staff is so inspired by his progress they come to visit on their break. Even his doctor said he is a 1 in a 1000 case to make the recovery that he is doing.
You will also see what happens when friends rally around in a time of crisis.
It's an amazing thing... and it's what has inspired me to write this on my blog. Thanks for looking. Pray for Billy, he has a long road ahead of him.
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